LICMF Gold Fund

Investment Objective

To invest in physical Gold and Gold related Instruments with the objective to replicate the performance of Gold in domestic prices. The ETF will adopt a passive investment strategy and will seek to achieve the investment objective by minimizing the tracking error between the Fund and the underlying asset. There is no assurance that the objective of the scheme will be achieved.

Minimum Application Amount/switch in

For Subscription of units directly with Mutual Fund:
All direct transactions in units of the Scheme by Market Markets (MMs)/Authorized Participants (APs) or other eligible investors with the AMC/the Fund shall be at intra-day NAV based on the actual execution price of the underlying portfolio. Any order placed for subscription directly with the AMC must be greater than INR 25 Cr. The aforesaid threshold shall not be applicable for APs/MMs and shall be periodically reviewed. Each creation unit consists of 1,000 units of LIC MF Gold Exchange Traded Fund. The Fund may from time to time change the size of the Creation Unit in order to equate it with marketable lots of the underlying instruments.
For Purchase of units through Stock Exchange:
As the Units of the Schemes are listed on NSE, an Investor can buy Units on continuous basis on the capital market segment of NSE during trading hours like any other publicly traded stock at prices which may be close to the actual NAV of the Scheme. There is no minimum investment, although Units are Purchased in round lots of 1 (one) Unit.
Based on the Allotment Price, the number of Units allotted to the nearest unit.

Note:The requirement of Minimum application amount of Rs. 25 crores and in multiples of Creation Unit Size for transactions (Purchase / redemptions) directly with the Fund for the below mentioned investors shall be applicable with effect from 31st October 2024:
  • Schemes managed by Employee Provident Fund Organisation, India; and
  • Recognised Provident Funds, approved Gratuity Funds and approved superannuation Funds under Income Tax Act, 1961.

Load Structure

Entry Load - Not applicable
Exit Load
  • NIL

Minimum Additional Purchase Amount

Not applicable .

Minimum Redemption/switch out amount

For Redemption of units directly with Mutual Fund:
  1. Redemption facility directly with the Mutual Fund would be restricted to Authorized Participants and Large Investors.
  2. Units of scheme may be redeemed only in Creation Unit size.
  3. Authorised Participants and Large Investors may redeem the units of the scheme on any business day directly with the Mutual Fund at applicable NAV and transaction costs, if any,by receiving securities comprising the benchmark index and/or cash, value of which is equivalent to Creation Unit size.
  4. The Creation Unit size in case of LIC MF Gold Exchange Traded Fund shall be 1,000 units.

For Sale of units through Stock Exchange:
All categories of Investors may sell the units of the scheme through Stock exchange on which the units of the Schemes are listed on any trading day in round lot of 1(one) Unit at the prevailing listed price. Also, in case of LIC MF Gold Exchange Traded Fund, Authorised Participants and Large Investors may sell the units of the Scheme at applicable NAV, and transaction costs by transferring the requisite number of units of the respective Scheme

On confirmation of the same by the AMC, the AMC will transfer the Portfolio Deposit to the investor’s DP account and pay the Cash Component, if applicable.
Cash Redemption Option:The Fund may allow cash redemption of the units of the Scheme in Creation Unit size by Large Investors/Authorized Participant. Such investors shall make redemption request to the Mutual Fund / AMC whereupon the Mutual Fund / AMC will arrange to sell underlying portfolio securities on behalf of the investor. Accordingly, the sale proceeds of portfolio securities, after adjusting necessary charges/costs, will be remitted to the investor.

Benchmark Index

Domestic Price of Gold

Investment Strategy

  • The investment strategy for the Scheme would be to invest passively atleast 95% of the corpus of the Scheme in physical Gold and Gold related Instruments with the objective to replicate the performance of Gold in domestic prices by minimizing the tracking error between the NAV of the Scheme and price of Gold. The AMC will remain invested in physical Gold regardless of the prevailing gold price or future outlook for this asset class. The Mutual Fund shall endeavor to keep the annualized tracking error lesser than 2% (annualized) at all times

Who Should Invest?

  • Investor looking for passive investment in Gold in hassle free manner.
  • Investors looking for a cost-effective and liquid alternative to physical gold.
  • Investor with Demat account seeking gold investment with real-time prices on the exchange.
  • Investors looking for no key man risk.
  • Investors willing to generate returns similar to the performance of domestic gold.

Asset Allocation

Under normal circumstances, the asset allocation of the Scheme would be as follows:
Instruments Indicative allocations (% of total assets)
Minimum Maximum
Physical Gold and Gold related instruments** 95 100
Debt and Money Market Instruments 0 5
** SEBI vide circular reference No. CIR/IMD/DF/11/2015 dated December 31,2015 permitted mutual Funds to invest in Gold Monetisation Schemes(GMS) of banks as one of the Gold related Instruments. Total Investment in GMS will not exceed 20% of the total net asset of the Scheme.

Fund Manager

Mr. Sumit Bhatnagar - managing since June 1, 2024

Plans and Options Available

There are no plans but only growth option offered under the Scheme.

Risk Factors

For detailed scheme/securities related risk factors,
please refer to the Scheme Information Document


Riskometer - Scheme
Riskometer - First Tier Benchmark
Domestic Price of Gold
This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:
  • To replicate the performance of gold in domestic prices with at least medium term horizon.
  • Investments in physical gold and gold related instruments / debt & money market instruments
  • High
*Investors should consult their financial advisors if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them. The change in Risk-o-meter will be evaluated on a monthly basis. For Scheme related details, including updation in Riskometer (if any) may please be referred on our website: www.licmf.com