LIC MF Arbitrage Fund

An open ended scheme investing in arbitrage opportunities

The investment objective of the scheme is to generate income by taking advantage of arbitrage opportunities that potentially exists between cash and derivative market and within the derivative segment of the equity market along with investments in debt securities & money market instruments. However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be realized.

  • Investors who are looking for income through arbitrage opportunities between cash and derivative market and arbitrage opportunities within the derivative segment of the equity market.
  • Investors who have medium to long term investment horizon.
  • Investors who are looking for capital appreciation with moderately low risk appetite.
  • Investors who are looking for returns with the taxation benefit similar to equity oriented funds.

This product is suitable for investors who are seeking.

  • Income over a short term investment horizon.
  • Income through arbitrage opportunities between cash and derivative market and arbitrage opportunities within the derivative segment of the equity market.
  • Risk - Low.

Investors should consult their financial advisors if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.

Top holding where the fund has invested ( As on 30-Sep-2024 )

No Holding Available

Monthly Portfolio  /  Fortnightly Portfolio Download      Half Yearly Portfolio
Portfolio Composition (As of 30-Sep-2024)
Sector Allocation As % Of Nav (As of 30-Sep-2024)

Fund Information

  • Inception : 25/01/2019
  • Entry Load : Not Applicable
  • Exit Load : For redemption/switc   ...more

  • Lumpsum

Fund Documents

Fund Documents Documents PDF
Fact Sheet pdf-icon
Product Leaflet pdf-icon
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