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1. What are the KYC Changes from April 1, 2024?

As per the SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/FATF/P/CIR/2023/0144 dated Aug 11, 2023, as a part of risk management framework, the KRAs (KYC Registration Agencies) shall verify the following attributes of records of all clients within 2 days of receipt of KYC records:

  • PAN (including PAN Aadhaar linkage), Name, Address, mobile number, and/or email address, mentioned in the KYC application form
  • In addition to above verification, wherever KRA can also verify the POA/POI document with official databases (such as Income Tax Department database on PAN, Aadhaar XML/Digilocker/ M-Aadhaar), the KYC status shall be “Validated”, and such investors can seamlessly transact across all mutual funds.
  • Wherever the KRA cannot verify the POA/POI document with official databases but can verify the email id and/ or mobile number, PAN Aadhar linkage as applicable, the KYC status shall be “Registered” Such investors can continue to transact in their existing mutual funds but will be subject to Re-KYC for investment in any new mutual fund.
Please refer to the below table to know the impact of these changes on your investment:
KYC Status Investments in Existing MF Investments in New MF Remediation
KYC Validated No impact No impact Not Required
KYC Registered No Impact. Allowed, subject to submission of fresh set of KYC documents. Investors are encouraged to update/ modify their existing KYC using Aadhaar as OVD (Officially Valid Document) to remediate the status to KYC VALIDATED for seamless transactions in securities market.
KYC REGISTERED – Aadhar OVD No Impact. Allowed, subject to completion of Aadhar validation* OR submission of fresh set of KYC documents. Despite submitting Aadhar OVD, KYC status can be in Registered status due to following reasons:
- Aadhar QR code is not readable
- Online Aadhar validation is not completed.
- PAN Aadhar seeding is not completed.
- Email/mobile validation is not completed or has failed.
- Email/mobile registered in KYC is incorrect KYC and Aadhar data is not matching
Investor can complete Aadhar validation by visiting respective KRA site where KYC is processed.
KYC On-Hold / KYC Rejected Transactions will not be allowed Transactions will not be allowed. Investors should ensure to update/ modify their KYC details by visiting their respective KRA website or by submitting KYC modification form/ documents at AMC/ RTA branches (for details, refer sr. no 4 below).

Investors are encouraged to update/ modify their KYC using Aadhaar as OVD (Officially Valid Document) to remediate the status to KYC VALIDATED for seamless transactions in securities market.

2. How do I check my KYC status?

Please click the KRA site from the links given, input your PAN, and submit to view your KYC Status with the details of the proof you have submitted for your KYC.

3. How do I validate my contact details?

Please click your respective KRA link to complete the validation:

4. How do I modify/ update my KYC details?

To modify or update your KYC, please click on the following link, and follow the mentioned steps:

  1. Investors must enter the PAN, and OTP will be triggered and will be validated.
  2. Uploading of PAN image is mandatory for all the modification requests.
  3. If the modification request is for any data other than Father’s / Spouse’s Name, Marital Status, Mobile No and Email ID, investors must upload valid OVDs for Address Proof, Signature images and Photo are mandatory.
  4. While providing Aadhaar as OVD, please ensure to mask the Aadhaar number that only the last four digits are visible
  5. Self-attested Documents to be kept ready while using the Online modification option as investors will be redirected to the e-sign process:
    • Images of PAN
    • Image of Signature
    • Photo for upload
    • OVD with current address (Following are the allowed OVDs)
      • Passport
      • License
      • Proof of possession of Aadhaar number*
      • Voter’s Id issued by Election Commission of India
      • Job card issued by NREGA duly signed by an officer of the State Government
      • Letter issued by the National Population Register containing details of name, address

Investors are encouraged to get KYC ‘Validated’ by submitting Proof of possession of Aadhaar number. When the KYC status is ‘Validated’, investor can seamlessly transact in securities market without the need for resubmission of KYC documents. Please keep the mobile number registered with Aadhaar handy to update the OTP (One Time Password)

For more information or any clarification, please contact your Mutual Fund Distributor or call us at 1800-258-5678 (Monday to Saturday, 9.00 am to 6.30 pm) or write to us at service_licmf@kfintech.com.
